
Our investment portfolio consists of properties that possess significant redevelopment potential and have a positive impact in the communities they reside. PACK properties are known to enhance the quality of life of their neighborhoods by providing collaborative and entertainment facilities to welcome everyone.

By investing in properties, our goal is to drive sustainable growth, support responsible practices, and foster culturally significant infrastructure that positively impact the local community.

Our investment philosophy is deeply entrenched in our desire to create long-term partnerships. We favor operating and partnering with businesses with revenues exceeding 5 million, that also demonstrate a commitment to their community and positive influence on their environment. Of equal importance is the people behind these businesses; we prioritize individuals who mirror our values and demonstrate integrity, innovation, and intelligence above all else.

Photo of an architectural plan on top of an elegant wood table

We take the necessary steps when considering an acquisition or joint venture. 

Partnership Criteria 

  • Property must be located in a fast growing community and/or neighbourhood 

  • You must be an owner or agent of a developable property 

  • The endeavor has a healthy loan to equity ratio 

  • You are experienced in joint venture structures

  • You come to the table with big ideas and an open mind to achieve innovative outcomes

Current Projects

Past Projects

  • Property Holdings

    Donnellan’s Pub

    Description goes here
  • Partner + Investor

    Oak & 67

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  • Partner + Investor

    IRL Group

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