Who We Are

As a disruptor in the space, PACK leverages decades of experience in the real estate sector to provide a customized approach to building in land-locked, densified cities like Vancouver to maximize value and optimize space for the modern-day builder.

Using prefabricated construction, we aim to reduce and eliminate the inefficiencies linked to traditional development to create space for tech powered solutions. PACK’s drive to fuse software, AI and technology to level-up the construction process and benefit the end user is what sets them apart from the rest.

Our mission is to dismantle the traditional constructs of home building to simplify it.

Our Goal

Our goal is to positively contribute to Vancouver’s housing supply shortage by providing viable home building solutions for our growing and aging population. By activating and optimizing our clients’ individual properties, we aim to empower homeowners to maximize their property value and simultaneously support the growing needs of our community.

Our Values




At PACK, we know time is precious, and more importantly, time is money. We pride ourselves in providing simple solutions to enhance your property and earning potential. As a Vancouver based developer, we recognize the challenges associated with homeownership and building costs, that’s why our homes are built efficiently and cost-effectively to ensure our clients’ can make their vision their reality.

We operate this practice using 3 basic principles; they ultimately help guide our efforts to ensure the most premium product and customer experience for our clients.

Our Commitment

At PACK, we are committed to procuring the best quality materials to deliver a premium, market-leading product. We pride ourselves in working in tandem with qualified consultants, organizations, and associations to adhere to our company mandate as well as BC’s building code. With safety and health at the forefront of our concern, we ensure all work we perform is compliant and regulated by provincial bylaws and other governing entities.

As committed as we are to ensuring premium products, we are equally dedicated to our work to impact the community around us. Our PACK team volunteers countless hours and contributes to numerous organizations benefiting the areas we do business in.

Two Pack Buildings team members looking at architectural drawings

Meet The Team

Whether you work at our company or are a valued client, you’re automatically considered part of OurPACK. We pride ourselves in fostering a dynamic and approachable environment that allows our people to be as they are. We believe work comes second to being the best human, parent, sibling, and friend you can be – in fact, we’re convinced that prioritizing these roles positively impacts productivity and workplace culture.

OurPACK Program


We have policies in place that support employees with balancing a happy home life because we believe it translates into a happy work life.


We believe mutual respect is the key to any working relationship. We operate a conflict-free work environment that promotes resolution and solution among coworkers and teammates.

Monthly Socials

We promote collaboration and socialization among our staff by providing non-alcoholic and alcoholic drink options at the end of a busy workday.

Consistency is Key

We believe to master something takes 10,000+ hours of practice. We apply the same logic with our staff by encouraging everyone to reach their full potential through professional development courses, training, and support initiatives.

Focus Driven

Our team knows that to play hard we need to work hard. By instituting a focus driven mindset, our mantra is practicing unwavering dedication to our work from the top down.

Collaboration over Competition

While we pride ourselves in attaining premium results, we believe all ideas and advancements should be welcomed to move the dial in technological innovation. At PACK, we take our business seriously and we know that what we do is not possible without our diligent staff and dynamic partners.

Our Team

We’re in the business of unlocking our people’s full potential

Kevin Liu sitting in an office

Meet our Founder, Kevin Liu

He is a seasoned serial entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the real estate industry. Collaborating with local developers, he has co-built over $200 million worth of real estate projects in British Columbia, significantly impacting numerous communities.

Since founding PACK buildings, Kevin is paving the way for structural steel construction in Western Canada and rapid-building using technology to improve societal issues such as housing affordability, population growth, and multi-generational living.

Our Process

PACK takes a comprehensive, all-in-one approach to real estate development. We operate and control the design, development, construction, and technology portion of our business, which allows us to lock in costs, operate transparently, and ensure quality service throughout the entire experience for our valued clients.

Rapid Steel Construction

Key structural components are manufactured off-site and in an indoor facility to circumvent external factors and operate using a controlled environment.

Instant Installation

While most custom homes get built between 16-24 months, PACK homes are assembled onsite swiftly in one month. This new approach saves on time, noise disruption, and weather variance that often play a factor in the traditional lengthy construction process.

Re-locatable, Re-sellable, Re-purposeful

The use of prefabrication and steel construction makes it easy to make up your mind, even when your mind may not be made up at all. Whether you’re planning to move or move on from your home, PACK makes it easy for you to treat your asset like a commodity. When it comes time to make an upgrade or up-and-leave altogether, our homes are built to grow or go with you.

Sustainable and Flexible

Up to 75% of PACK home interiors are made up of recyclable materials. This means, that our clients can keep their footprints small while making big decisions.

Our structural steel prefabrication construction ultimately comes down to a faster build time.

These products are swiftly manufactured in a factory indoors before being assembled at the construction site. One of the greatest advantages to prefabrication is that the product is built indoors, this ensures weather does not impact construction timelines in the way it traditionally does in our typical wet, pacific northwest climate. The products are assembled onsite in an efficient manner, which also scores you some brownie points with your neighbors, who otherwise may have complained of lengthy noise interferences to their own property.

Our “No Surprise” guarantee means our clients never face additional development costs. At PACK, we own and operate our production line, which means we can lock-in preferred rates and provide our clients fixed pricing.

Rendering of an elegant and minimal kitchen

Our Design

Inspired by contemporary west coast design, PACK homes are carefully crafted to provide luxury living space for the modern-day homeowner. The unique structural steel component of our homes allows us to design using higher ceilings and wider spanning that is not achievable with alternative materials. The ability to open the space up allows PACK to leverage natural light throughout the home, which simultaneously compliments its elevated interior wood finishings.

Characterized by its hand selected millwork, hardware, furnished interior and appliances, PACK seamlessly delivers a customized, premium home building experience using a click of a button. Through the Pack My Home App, the element of choice is at the forefront of our mandate; we pride ourselves in providing customizable options to ensure your property’s style is never compromised.

Image from above of Lien Yen Mountain Temple

Our Community

Ling Yen Mountain Temple

What began as a volunteering initiative quickly became a partnership opportunity to do something good. PACK is proud to be the construction representative for the temple’s new 150,000 sq. ft. project, which will surely impact the Richmond community for generations to come.

PACK’s tech-forward practice led to the donated development of the temple’s mobile app, offering a convenient way for people to follow important events, learn about the significance of the culture, and chant with ease.